Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The code above gets the jSoup structure into ‘dom’.  We then find the first paragraph, add some styling to it, and then add a new paragraph immediately following.  Finally, we find we replace the contents of the paragraph with id=specialp with the text shown.  The dom variable now contains the original document with content changed and added.  We probably want to keep those changes for use in later workflows, so the final line takes the dom and converts it back to html as the output of this script.

Persona properties

All workflows operate within some Persona.  The properties of that Persona are now available to scripts.  These are currently of somewhat limited use, but in future releases additional properties will be included and supported in the same way as shown in the sample script below.  Note that no updating of these properties is supported – they are read-only.



Scripts have not previously had a sound random value function.  We now have one.  The randomInt call will provide a value between 0 and the specified limit.  The randomBoolean call returns true/false values.

<#assign n1 = LIB.randomInt(10)>
<#assign b1 = LIB.randomBoolean()>
random num = ${n1}
<#if b1 >
random bool = true
random bool = false