The Coaching and Consulting Persona is designed for any business that markets personal services such as coaching or consulting. It is also a great choice for a "thought leader" or "guru" such as our good friend Edward Dale. Social posting includes Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  

The workflows in the Persona provide these features:

  • Top of funnel link quotes to grow your Facebook audience
  • A "Flash" promotion workflow to immediately publish social updates to Facebook Twitter, and LinkedIn for things like special offers or your own new featured blog posts
  • A middle of funnel repeater workflow so you can periodically repost your best performing content.

There are other templates in the Persona library that support different business types and markets.

If this Coaching and Consulting marketing template is not the one you want, then just close this task, return to the home page, delete this persona, and pick a different one using the Create Persona link.

Still here? Okay then, let's get started.

Within your app, the setup wizard will lead you step-by-step through the process of setting up an end-to-end content marketing machine for your business.

We've tried to make each step "bite-sized" so you can rapidly complete each one. We've also ordered the steps so you start seeing results as fast as possible.

To complete this setup wizard, you'll need access to your Facebook account, Twitter account, LinkedIn account, and your Blog.  If you don't have a blog, don't worry, we can help get you started with our InstaBlog template.