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It's critical to marketing on Facebook and growing your Google rankings to always be adding fresh content to your blog. If you are going to write all your own content, then you can skip this step, but you can also supplement your own writing with our Content on Demand (COD) service.

The COD workflow turns third-party posts you select into richly formatted blog posts that cost you just $2.50 each. You can use as many or as few as you like.

As a new user, we've given you a $10 credit balance so you can pick 4 items, see the system work end-to-end, and then decide if you want to do more.

The fastest way to get started adding stories to ResultFlow is with our browser extension available for Chrome or Firefox.  You can visit the links below and add the extension to your browser. 

ResultFlow Extension for Chrome

ResultFlow Add-On for Firefox

Once you've added the extension, watch this video to learn how to add new stories for Rich Summaries to ResultFlow.

Widget Connector

Open up google and search for your topics.  Open up a few stories in a new tab that looks interesting.

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The story looks like immediately it has a popup.  Popups always concern me. So if I decide I like the story, I will move it to Content to Curate to do something with it.

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Here, there is a cookie policy that is popping up.  So, it’s really possible that this won’t work well in Resultflow.  But we will add it to Content to Curate so we can see, if it meets the other qualifications.  What are those qualifications. One, we don’t have to worry about a photo for rich summaries as much because you’ll be adding it to your blog and assigning a photo automatically with our Quick Featured Images Pro plugin we provide in our Superblog or the Instablog.  What makes a great Rich Summary is first it’s long enough to make a summary, so you can’t pick a story which is only one paragraph and expect to do a summary.  We have our writers write a summary about 75 words summarizing a story.  They find some key points and then they pick a quote.

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Go to Rf extension.  Select a persona, Select Feed, choose Content to Curate, then click Add Item.

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Next I’ll go to the next story.  Something like this is a slideshow, so that wouldn’t work for a Rich Summary.

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I don’t spend a lot of time looking at a story either it works or it doesn’t, we move on.  There are so many stories out there that you don’t have to get yourself all caught up in all the little bits of it.  This story has photos, has some topics, I think this might make a nice Rich Summary.  Click on Rf extension icon, select a persona, click Workflow, choose Rich Summary (Created and Promoted to Blog).  Then click Add Item.

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Next story is from, Raised Bed Gardening.  It seems to have enough information but because it has that popup, I’m gonna put it over in the Curate instead, just for good measure.  Click on Rf extension icon, Select a persona, click Feed Folder, choose Content to Curate, then click Add Item.

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Pick another story.  Click Rf extension icon, select a persona, click Workflow, choose Rich Summary (Created and Posted to Your Blog).  Click Add Item.

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Go to your Resultflow.  Currently you’re on Link Quote process, change it to Rich Summary Process.

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Click on Site Menu, click Feeds.

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Click Content to Curate.

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Sort it by Newest First, so you can see the recent things in there.

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Click on the title of the story.

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The story loads, the picture looks funny but that’s ok.  The story actually loads and you don’t have to click through. So this one will work.

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Look at the other one, click on the title.

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It looks like it’s a long, long way to the bottom but the story actually does load.  The reason it looks different inside Resultflow, is Resultflow is not a browser.  It is reading the html, so it just shows it in the way it reads the html.

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Go back to Resultflow.  Marck check the two stories.  Click on Selected items.  Click Move to.

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Select Rich Summary (Created and Posted to Your Blog).  Make sure it is on the top folder.  Click Move.

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Go back to the Dashboard.

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Change to Rich Summary Process.

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You can see the items in Work in Process now.

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Those stories are now getting processed through our writing factory, and when completed will automatically get posted to your blog, so your next step is to connect the Summary category on your blog into the Middle of Funnel promotion workflow in ResultFlow.

Widget Connector

From your Dashboard, mouse over to Post, then click Categories.

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Find Summary in the list and right click on View. Then click on Open in a new tab.

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Add the word Feed at the end of the url.

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Press Enter.  You can see now a html code.  Copy this feed url and will use it in Resultflow.

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From Resultflow, go to your persona. Click on Site Menu, click Feeds.

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On Facebook Page folder, click EditUncheck Paused.  Click Add.  Paste your feed url.  Click Ok.  Then click Save.

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Let's take a step back for a moment

If you'll recall a couple steps back, we helped you setup an workflow to automatically grow your Facebook audience.

In this step, you setup a process to create richly formatter blog posts for just $2.50 each that get automatically posted to your blog.

You also connected your blog into ResultFlow's Middle of Funnel promotion workflow so all those Rich Summary posts also get automatically promoted.

You now have new content getting created and posted to your blog, and promoted to your page and pixeled audiences on Facebook, day in and day out, completely automated, driving qualified visitors to your site!

All you need to do is to select a few documents once a week to keep your Link Quote and Rich Summary processes fed with fresh stories.

There's just one (optional) step and you'll be done.