<div style="font-weight:bold;">Add a relevant image to the following document</div> <div> <ol> <li>Review the input document (<@linkToEdit workflowItems[0]/>)</li> <li>Open <a target="_blank" href="http://images.google.com">Google Images</a></li> <li>Show only images we are allowed to reuse and select an image appropriate to the document</li> <li>Click "visit" to go to the page where the image is posted</li> <li>Right click the image and select "copy image address"</li> <li>Paste the URL at the end of the document, press save, and "keep".</li> <li>Copy the link from S3 and insert it into the source document (<@linkToEdit workflowItems[0]/>)</li> </ol> <p>If for any reason you cannot complete this task, select "discard".</p> </div>