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My industry can't be promoted on Facebook, how can I use ResultFlow without using Facebook Ads?

Can I use Facebook without promoting?

Will ResultFlow work with Facebook Organic?

While we don't recommend it, it is possible to change the settings in ResultFlow so that you're using Facebook Organic instead of Facebook Promoted Posts to grow your audiences. Unless you're in an industry that Facebook doesn't allow, this isn't something you will want to do. Even with the smallest budgets, you'll have better results with Facebook Promoted posts rather than Facebook Organic.

In this video, you'll learn the method to change your settings to use Facebook Organic instead.  It's worth noting that any changes you make now will have to be changed back if you decide to use Facebook Promoted posts in the future. 

To make the changes you'll have to update Credentials, create a Facebook Organic Venue, and update the Promotion folders in 5 workflows. Below the video, you'll see an image with the list of all the Script to Facebook folders that will need to be updated in order to complete this task.

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